image/svg+xml 1 2 3 * whole genome* exome* panel of genes* mRNA-seq!* ChIP-seq! ATAC-seq!* patogeni organizmi ... zamjena aminokiseline u proteinu točkastamutacija fenotip nanopore pirosekvenciranje H O Polymerase H Hydrogen + O O O O Pyrophosphate P O O 4- O P O O O O H O O O O O O O P P P H O Polymerase dNTP Polymerase integrates a nucleotide. Hydrogen and pyrophosphate are released. sekvenciranje sintezom(sequence by synthesis) Sanger sekvenciranje zaustavljanjem sinteze (by chain termination) bojom ionsko
  1. home
  2. phenotype
  3. missense
  4. nmd
  5. proteasome
  6. home2
  7. fragments
  8. seq
  9. sanger
  10. sintezom
  11. nanopore
  12. agenda
  13. home3