Central Dogma: molecular basis of genetics and genetic pathologies
- Exercise 1: Transcription from DNA to RNA "script"
- DNA, RNA, RNA polymerase and transcription (Introduction and sections 2.1-2.4 ['Major steps'])
- splicing
- Quality control of mRNAs at the entry of the nuclear pore
- Exercise 2: Translation from the language of RNA into the language of proteins
- Exercise 3: Protein folding - from 1D instructions to 3D shape
- protein folding (Intro and sections 1.1-1.5)
- Quality Control 3: unfolded protein response and ER associated degradation: intro, UPR and ERAD - sections 1.1 i 1.2, ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, proteasome
- Exercise 4: DNA replication and external causes - the sources of mutation in the genome
- What is a mutation?
- Meiosis and mitosis
- DNA replication and recombination
- DNA damage double strand break repair (Intro i Overview) (What are BRCA1 an BRCA2?)